Friday 29 October 2010

Shyne speaks on Judaism

After the infamous club shooting in 1999 involving Puffy and Jennifer Lopez, Shyne was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
During his lengthy incarceration he decided to convert to Judaism and change his name to Moses Michael Leviy. In the above clip, shot in a yeshivah in Jerusalem, you can see him passionately explaining his reasons for this drastic conversion of lifestyle.
It is a curious subject considering many artists who worked with Puffy have turned to God:
Mase - Preacher
Loon - Devout Muslim
Black Rob - Released from prison in May 2010 most likely a Buddhist.

Here's a video of Shyne back in his Bad Boy 'hey dayz'-

1 comment:

  1. yea i watched the video and was a bit bugged out about it. good spot on the diddy connection! I wonder if mr coombes has ever thought about the effect he has on ppl!
